25 September 2023

Vote YES for The VOICE on 14 October
The Aboriginal members of the Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority fully endorse the proposed Voice to Parliament and call on Territorians to vote ‘Yes’ in the 14 October Referendum.
The referendum question will be: “To alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. Do you approve of this alteration?”
The AAPA is an Aboriginal-led independent statutory authority, and supports the recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the Constitution and the creation of an advisory Voice.
“This is a moment of possibility and the promise of a stronger future together,” said the AAPA Chair, Mr Bobby Nunggumajbarr.
“The AAPA is dedicated to ensuring Aboriginal sacred sites are protected whilst providing developers with clear directions when carrying out works. The Voice is also about recognising Aboriginal history and giving guidance on matters that affect us.
“Voting ‘Yes’ means our knowledge and experience will be respected and heard,” said Mr Nunggumajbarr.
Ms Valerie Martin, Deputy Chair of the AAPA said putting the Voice in the Constitution protects it from politics.
“The AAPA understands firsthand how respect and consultation leads to better outcomes for everyone,” said Ms Martin.
“We support the Voice and call on all Territorians and all Australians to join with us and vote ‘Yes’.”
AAPA Member and signatory to the Uluru Statement from the Heart Ms Barbara Shaw added that government gets lots of advice from lobbyists – farmers and miners and all sorts of interest groups.
“But we are the first stakeholders. Voting yes means recognition in the constitution, and a clear path to be heard.
“The Referendum question is straightforward. The answer should be ‘Yes.”